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Communicating well – a coaching approach to leading and managing teams

How do you know when your teams are at their best? It’s a feeling, isn’t it? There’s a buzz. A good vibe.


But how do we create teams of people that thrive? Teams committed and motivated to achieve their best whilst at the same time having a high sense of their own well-being and relationships?

Research tells us that the line manager creates it…and equally, the opposite is true (you’ve heard that phrase, “People join an organisation but leave their manager”).

A coaching approach to leading and managing teams.

Countless studies show that line managers who have a coaching approach to leading and managing their teams have the happiest, high performing teams. Those teams feel like they can thrive within an empowered culture.


But what is a coaching approach? It’s a mindset and a very specific communication skillset.


The truth is that most managers want this skillset. They want to be able to have conversations that unlock change in others, helping them thrive. They just don’t know how to.


I’ve spent well over the last decade of my career equipping leaders and managers with this approach.


The result? Confident, self-aware managers who know how to build relationships, empowerment and accountability in their teams. They are comfortable having the tricky but important conversation, knowing their communication approach will enable a mutual understanding.


Managers and leaders have conversations that start from a place of great rapport, championing their people to engage change for the good and move towards what they want.


The outcome of this? How does it feel for those led by managers with a coaching approach?

It feels good.


As a Master Coach (MSc in Executive Personal and Corporate Coaching) and Fellow of the Association for Coaching, I have trained thousands of managers across different sectors and many industries in the skills of the coaching manager.


​Programmes equip managers with this engaging skillset and mindset. Managers and leaders leave the programme bought in and confident to actually do it (knowing they are doing it right). PRINT® can be incorporated into the programme to help the leaders enhance their own self awareness at the same time.


Every programme is unique - tailored to incorporate the organisational outcomes and context for the organisation and cohort.



Nicola provided us with a tailored and bespoke leadership and management programme that enabled our team members to be their best, by learning and developing in an environment aligned to our values and strategic vision. It was great to work with someone who took time to understand our culture and dynamic at England Golf and tailor her delivery and coaching methods to suit our needs. Nicola’s care and attention to detail, enabled us to maximise the opportunity and we were delighted with the positive outcomes for our team.

Nick Pink. CEO, England Golf 2015-2019. Current CEO, England Hockey

Conversations with my team are now radically different to how they were 12 months ago. The coaching techniques in particular have made me step back and allow others to take ownership of their work. We are less task-focussed, and far more focussed on how the team’s work contributes to the bigger picture.

Emily Green. Legal and Compliance Director England Golf

Nicola has an innate ability to build rapport very quickly, in a training environment. She uses her wealth of experience to draw the very best out of people and work with them to assist them in reaching their fullest potential. Incredibly dedicated, organised and motivated. Nicola develops key relationships very quickly and this relationship is built with trust, honesty, integrity and credibility. Nicola takes great care to understand her client’s needs. A fabulous communicator and & connector of dots. I would highly recommend that anyone interested in achieving greater success in business and life contact Nicola.

Ben Murray. Learning Technologies Business Partner. NHS

It’s been an influential and challenging development programme - hugely impactful in the way I see myself and providing me with insights in the way I see myself as a person and leader. I now have tools and techniques to understand when I’m most productive and importantly when I’m in ‘shadow’, and can move quickly to a better place. It’s opened up personal reflection (for good and bad) and I’m a better, stronger leader, more empowered and more equipped to deal with all areas of my work and leadership. It’s been really useful and a life changing experience for me. Thanks.

Our Leaders Delegate. England Golf

Read the England Golf Case Study Here

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